Citizens for Better Care relies on the support of individuals to sustain our efforts to assist the elderly.
* No longer accepting donations.
While we are funded through State and Federal dollars, our ability to continue to serve the elderly is dependent in great part on contibutions from local businesses, organizations, and individuals.
Your desire to assist us in meeting our mission of “providing information and advocacy to promote the self-determination and well-being of long term care consumers” is greatly appreciated.
We gladly accept donations from individuals in the form of personal checks, credit cards, or cash delivered to our local offices.
If you shop on-line, you can also give to Citizens for Better Care by shopping at This on-line shopping mall contains over 450 stores who donate a portion of the purchase price to the charity of your choice. The service is free to you and the prices are the same as if you went to the individual stores on line. will also provide you with an annual report showing your charitable contribution. This documentation can be used for your individual (or corporate) tax returns.
We would also ask you to consider Citizens for Better Care in your estate planning. For details or information on including CBC in your estate planning, please contact our Administrative Office or your personal legal representative.
Citizens for Better Care is a statewide, charitable organization. We are licensed with the State of Michigan to accept public and private donations.